Middleton Flood Event Updates
This page has been set up to keep the community informed regarding the Middleton Flood Event. You can subscribe to receiving updated by completing the 'Follow Project' section. Council will endeavour to provide updates as they come to hand using the below newsfeed and emails to subscribers.
This page has been set up to keep the community informed regarding the Middleton Flood Event. You can subscribe to receiving updated by completing the 'Follow Project' section. Council will endeavour to provide updates as they come to hand using the below newsfeed and emails to subscribers.
Middleton Storm Event Update - July 2024
Share Middleton Storm Event Update - July 2024 on Facebook Share Middleton Storm Event Update - July 2024 on Twitter Share Middleton Storm Event Update - July 2024 on Linkedin Email Middleton Storm Event Update - July 2024 linkAt the 15 July 2024 General Council Meeting, Ms Rose Kentish made a deputation on behalf of the ‘Storm Disaster Group’ and Council considered an update report on the November 2022 Middleton Storm Event.
Within the 11 actions resolved by Council they resolved to receive a report by September 2024 on the scope, resourcing and budget required to develop a Stormwater Management Plan in and around Middleton.
In addition, Council Members endorsed several recommendations regarding proposed stormwater management in the locality. You can read the Agenda Report and the Minutes in the key documents on this page.
Public Meeting follow up - April 2024
Share Public Meeting follow up - April 2024 on Facebook Share Public Meeting follow up - April 2024 on Twitter Share Public Meeting follow up - April 2024 on Linkedin Email Public Meeting follow up - April 2024 linkThank you to those who were able to attend the Public Meeting at the Middleton Pioneer Hall on Wednesday 13 March 2024 to discuss the Middleton Flood Study | Flood Mitigation Report.
Read the Community Meeting Minutes
If you have friends in Middleton who were unable to attend and would like a Council team member to visit them at their home or place of business, please pass on the message to reach out to us via phone at 8555 7000 or email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au
We are currently working our way through making appointments and visiting the residents at the meeting who requested a meeting with a Council representative.
Future updates will continue to be posted on this page.
Thank you,
Stacey Bateson
General Manager, Community
Middleton Storm Event Update - Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study
Share Middleton Storm Event Update - Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study on Facebook Share Middleton Storm Event Update - Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study on Twitter Share Middleton Storm Event Update - Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study on Linkedin Email Middleton Storm Event Update - Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study linkDear Middleton resident
Re: Invitation to Public Meeting on Middleton Flood Study | Flood Mitigation Report – 13 March 2023 5:30pm – Middleton Pioneer Hall.
On 12 November 2022, South Australia experienced a major storm event, which included widespread damage across the greater Alexandrina Council area. Significant flooding occurred within the Middleton township causing a large number of private properties to be inundated, damage to a variety of public and privately owned infrastructure within the town and the closure of major roads. The event led to the displacement of residents from their homes, it affected businesses and livelihoods, and left a lasting impact on the community's well-being.
At the 21 February 2023 Community Meeting to discuss the event, it was agreed that Council and the Community needed to know what happened and what measures could be implemented to mitigate any future event.
Council engaged the engineering firm Tonkin to perform a Hydrologist Report. The purpose of the report was to summarise the flood modelling and assessments that were undertaken along the main watercourse that passes through Middleton. It covers the following aspects:
- Details of the hydrological and hydraulic modelling process
- The November 2022 flood investigations
- Hydraulic modelling of the performance of the existing infrastructure and analysis of the results
- Preparation of the 100-year, 50-year and 20-year average recurrence interval (ARI) flood maps for the existing infrastructure scenario
- Identification of several potential flood mitigation options
- Hydraulic modelling of these options and analysis of the results
- Preparation of the 100-year ARI flood maps for the flood mitigation scenarios
- Preliminary high-level cost estimates for each of the scenarios
- Discussion of the above and recommendations for potential next steps.
Based on the results of the modelling for the existing infrastructure scenario, a shortlist of potential flood mitigation options to be investigated further was developed. These are as follows:
- Creating levee banks on private land along the creek to prevent floodwaters from breaking out of the creek.
- Widening the creek channel (on private land) to increase the creek flow capacity.
- Increasing the culvert size under the State Government-owned Goolwa Road to increase the capacity under the road and reduce the likelihood of culvert blockage.
- Reducing the amount of understory vegetation along the creek lines on private land to increase the creek’s capacity.
- Providing flood detention storage upstream of Middleton on private land to reduce the peak flow rates that arrive at Middleton; and
- Providing an early warning system to allow for early evacuations and flood response plans to be activated before the arrival of floodwaters.
Each of these options have their advantages and disadvantages and complications given that the solutions will need to be implemented on privately owned land or State Government infrastructure.
A full copy of the Middleton Flood Study | Flood Mitigation Report will be made available to view in hardcopy at the Council Office/Library, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa, or it can be downloaded electronically from this My Say page under 'Key Documents'.
The Hydrology Report identified the flood as being primarily due to flows coming from the creek which passes through the centre of town. Therefore, the investigations undertaken have focused on the flood behaviour of the creek. The report also focused on future mitigations. It does not provide an exact map of what occurred on 12 November 2022.
I would like to invite you to a Community Meeting to discuss this report and raise any questions. Representatives from the Council will be present to listen to the Community and discuss options. We have asked the author of the report to attend to present the findings. They will also be available for questions.
Unfortunately, additional notice for the meeting could not be provided. March 13 was the only date where all the required resources could be available. I do hope that you or a representative can make it.
I invite you to attend:
Middleton Pioneer Hall
1 Walker Pl, Middleton
13 March 2024
Doors open at 5 pm for a 5:30 pm start.
I welcome your questions, input and feedback on the findings of this report either before or after the meeting via email at alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or via postal correspondence. If questions are raised before the meeting, we will attempt to answer them at the meeting.
At this stage, the Hydrologist Report will be presented to the 15 April 2024 Council Meeting with recommendations for next steps. Any feedback received will also be shared with Council Members.
I look forward to meeting those who attend on the 13 March 2024.
Yours sincerely
Nigel Morris
Chief Executive Officer
Middleton Storm Event Update - February 2024
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The link to this meeting is located here: lgasa-web.squiz.cloud/?a=1543800 (audio recording)
As a result of the Middleton Flood Alexandrina Council engaged Tonkin Engineering to produce a Hydrologist Report. You are invited to attend as an observer to the Council Information Session in the Alexandrina Council Chambers, Monday 12th February at 11 Cadell St Goolwa at 5.30pm, to listen to a presentation from Tim Kerby, Principal Engineer at Tonkin Engineering who will be presenting the ‘Middleton Flood Study’.
Tim will explain the findings of the report and after the presentation be available to respond to questions from Elected Members only. Please note due to the formalities associated with a Council Information Session the public will not be able to ask Tim questions directly.
Middleton Storm Event Update - January 2024
Share Middleton Storm Event Update - January 2024 on Facebook Share Middleton Storm Event Update - January 2024 on Twitter Share Middleton Storm Event Update - January 2024 on Linkedin Email Middleton Storm Event Update - January 2024 linkHydrologist Report 2022 Middleton Storm Event
Alexandrina Council has received a draft report from the hydrologist commissioned to examine the November 2022 Storm Event. Engineers are exploring three of the five findings in the draft report. That information will be brought to Council at a briefing in February 2024 before being presented at the February 2024 Council meeting.
Middleton Crossings
The construction of two new pedestrian refuge crossings in the Middleton main street is scheduled to commence at the start of February. This is to ensure there is no disruption to the holiday period and the up-and-coming Santos Tour Down Under cycling event on 19 January 2024.
After years of advocating for safer crossing spaces in Middleton, Council has secured a commitment from the State Government (this is a Department for Infrastructure and Transport Road) to provide over $380,000 for this project.
Council will be project managing the delivery of the two crossings that will be situated near the Middleton Tavern and the IGA supermarket.
The State Government has confirmed that additional funding may be considered in future funding rounds for a third crossing if required.
The two crossings are expected to be completed by the end of March 2024.
The proposed designs are for pedestrian refuge islands only, not zebra-type crossings. This will allow for smoother traffic and pedestrian flows.
Tour Down Under – Friday 19 January 2024
A men’s stage of the Santos Tour Down Under international cycling event is racing through Middleton during the afternoon of Friday 19 January 2024.
The race is expected to reach Middleton around 2.40 pm with SA Police and race officials implementing a rolling road closure of Goolwa Road approximately 15 minutes ahead of the peloton and until five minutes afterwards
Beginning in Murray Bridge, the Hahn Men’s Stage 4 is showcasing the landscape of the regions recovering from the recent flooding of the Murray River.
The peloton will be riding through Langhorne Creek, Strathalbyn, Ashbourne, Currency Creek, Goolwa, and Middleton before a first-time finish on the Strand at Port Elliot.
To find out more about the route and what events are being held in Middleton and surrounding towns, head to our website www.alexandrina.sa.gov.au/tdu2024
For questions relating to the Middleton Storm Event, please email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or contact Council’s Customer Liaison Officers on 8555 7000 or visit us in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Middleton Storm Event Update - September 2023
Share Middleton Storm Event Update - September 2023 on Facebook Share Middleton Storm Event Update - September 2023 on Twitter Share Middleton Storm Event Update - September 2023 on Linkedin Email Middleton Storm Event Update - September 2023 linkWe are pleased to provide a summary update following the Middleton storm event.
Reconstruction and repairs
Walking around Middleton the impacts of 12 November storm event can still be seen. We want to assure you works have commenced and are progressing, Council contractors have assured us the following works will be undertaken:
Ocean end works - Bridge from the footpath to the beach toilet block and shower is now open. The stairs are currently being designed and will be manufactured shortly.
This work on the foreshore has commenced, this entails:
- Reconstruction of the rock wall along the frontage of the carpark, extending to in front of the shower
- Infill with rubble on top of the wall where new paving/concrete construction is to occur
- Replacement of the concrete edge strip to retain the paving, this will be extended to the shower area
- Re-laying of the pavers
- Placement of a new staircase that will extend over the new rock wall, this will allow for a continuous rock wall improving its resistance to water damage.
These works are funded by the Alexandrina Council Open Space Renewal Capital Program.
Mill Tce Bridge - the damaged bridge has been removed and the new bridge delivered in preparation for footing construction and installation. We have been advised by the contractor the bridge will be placed into position for access Friday, 29 September.
Please note we are endeavouring to provide the most accurate times and dates, without any unforeseen circumstances or weather delays.
Creek bend erosion at Padman Tce - Council has received recent advice from the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board in relation to erosion of the watercourse impacting properties on Padman Terrace. The Board has confirmed that this part of Middleton Creek is located within Council reserve and therefore
Next steps - Council will work on an effective control measures to protect the bank and prevent further erosion. Engineering advice is being sort to determine the next steps and action to be taken, which will likely require budget consideration in the upcoming financial year 2024/25.
Alexandrina Council commissioned Hydrologist Report
A Council decision to set aside up to $45,000 to commission an Hydrologist Report. Work to date includes the following:
- Council undertook procurement steps to engage specialist to undertake and assessment and provide Council with recommendations.
- The survey has now been undertaken and included the pickup of actual and reported flood depths at several locations and, picked up the floor levels of affected properties, as well as more detail of the main culverts and the creek.
- The hydrological modelling (to predict peak flow rates) has been completed by Tonkin’s, but still needs to be reviewed by them internally prior to forwarding to Council.
- They have also assessed the rainfall data to assess what the 2022 rainfall event was in terms of annual recurrence interval (AEP%).
- The next steps will be for Tonkin’s to build the hydraulic flood model, once we have some flood model results, they will then assess potential flood mitigation options.
- Council is still looking at late October to receive the final report.
In addition to the $45,000 allocated toward the Hydrologist Report Council has also allocated funds in the 2023/24 Annual Business Plan & Budget for:
- $60,000 stormwater mitigation towards outcomes of the Hydrologist Report
- $125,000 towards Breaker Court stormwater upgrade
The Draft Middleton Master Plan is currently out for community consultation
The Master Plan was prepared based on co-design workshops and MySay input from the community in October 2022 and outcomes from the 2021 Village Conversations.
The aim of the Master Plan was to develop an implementable plan with clearly defined and prioritised actions to ensure the desired future character can be achieved. The Plan was developed with a number of Objectives as follows:
- Identifying any land needed to accommodate future needs of the growing population from a residential, recreation, open space, commercial and industrial perspective.
- In identifying the above needs explore the social needs of a growing community and the associated services required.
- Explore and identify any infrastructure needs particularly focussed on heavy vehicle routes and local traffic management within and around the town and any potential essential services upgrades.
- The protection and enhancement of the natural environment.
- Analyse the public realm to ensure that an agreed theme is identified and carried through any future development.
- Ensure that the plan continues to build on established facilities and tourism elements.
- Ensure that the plan acknowledges and incorporates actions and outcomes identified in other Council documents.
Alexandrina Council values and recognises the role of the community in shaping our future and welcomes your feedback on the Master Plan.
The upcoming Hydrologist Report and recommendations will be given due consideration if they influence the Middleton Master Plan. Hard copies and a visual display of the Draft Master Plan is available to view during office hours at the Goolwa Library (11 Cadell Street) throughout the duration of the consultation with hard copy surveys available. Community can also provide feedback at the Middleton Village Conversation on 26th October, 3:30pm – 7:30pm. The draft plan can also be viewed and commented on by visiting the MySay page Draft Middleton Master Plan (http://mysay.alexandrina.sa.gov.au).
Middleton Pedestrian Crossings update
Council is currently in negotiations with (Department of Infrastructure and Transport) DIT in regard to the install of pedestrian crossings in the main street of Middleton. As this is a DIT road and DIT funded project, they will be responsible for the budget and sign off to enable this project to commence.
The Greater Adelaide Region Plan is out for community consultation
Advocating for a Middleton bypass – Kylie Weymouth (Manager of Strategic Planning) is ensuring every opportunity will be taken to advocate for the by-pass to be included in the Greater Adelaide Region Plan however, there is also an opportunity for the residents of Middleton to add their voice to this issue at a local Greater Adelaide Region Plan consultation session planned for Goolwa this month.
Information about the discussion paper can be found here: Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper | Alexandrina Council
Information on how to get involved: How to get involved | Regional Planning Program in person Greater Adelaide Discussion Paper - Community Information Session - Goolwa Tickets, Wed 27/09/2023 at 12:00 pm | Eventbrite search in this space for the online sessions if you are unable to attend in person.
Information about the session in Goolwa is on Council’s facebook page. We encourage you to share this on Middleton Community pages or with friends.
September is Preparedness Month
The 30days30waysaus social media campaign is promoting greater community resilience by communicating, educating, and engaging community members.
Why is it preparedness is important to consider?
With multiple factors for increased risks this year including, warmer and drier Spring and Summer forecast and abundant vegetation authorities are encouraging people and communities prepare and plan for adverse events.
What does prepared look like?
It is having Household Flood and Bushfire/Fire plans in place.
Emergencies may not be something we think about every day, but they happen. Alexandrina Council website has links to information and resources about emergency preparedness. Knowing what to do and being ready is your best protection. With a simple plan, be prepared and cope better if an emergency occurs.
We have hard copies of Protect What Matters Most booklets at the Goolwa Council offices. There is also an Easy English version of Protect What Matters available for download from the Red Cross website. A range of other REDiPlan resources are also available. See the Australian Red Cross website to download booklets, plans, children’s activity books and more in various formats.
Insurance and Legal Information Community Justice Services have ongoing legal services available that may be suitable for Middleton residents. Please contact the Southern Community Justice Centre Head Office at 40 Beach Road, Christies Beach on (08) 8384 5222.
Alexandrina Council is working diligently to resolve the issues that are within its scope to address, and we will continue to share updates with our community as soon as we can.
For questions relating to the Middleton Storm related queries please email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or contact Council’s Customer Liaison Officers on 8555 7000 or visit us in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Waste Voucher and Update - June 2023
Share Waste Voucher and Update - June 2023 on Facebook Share Waste Voucher and Update - June 2023 on Twitter Share Waste Voucher and Update - June 2023 on Linkedin Email Waste Voucher and Update - June 2023 linkWe are pleased to provide the following summary update on the Middleton Storm event.
Free Waste Disposal Vouchers
On 20 March 2023, Alexandrina Council carried the motion that eligible residents within the township of Middleton whose properties were affected by the Middleton storm event on 12 November 2022 would receive ‘Free Waste Disposal Vouchers’ for the disposal of flood damaged materials. These vouchers were valid until 31 May 2023. However, due to feedback received in obtaining the vouchers we have extended this to 30 June 2023 with the only requirement to provide Council a photo of the items to be disposed either via email to alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Further updates
The assets / infrastructure repairs are ongoing and will continue for some time. All requests for repairs or maintenance because of the flood event are being prioritised and processed by the appropriate departments within Council.
Hydrology Report
The report will;
- Determine the Middleton Stormwater Catchment Area.
- Investigate the flow that occurred on 12 November 2022.
- Model and map future rainfall events of various severity and the potential effects to the area surrounding the creek system
- Investigate and assess any causal factors.
- Provide options for potential mitigation measures to assist in future events, including concept designs and indicative cost estimates for any future work.
It is envisaged the report will be completed in October, however if we become aware of any further changes to this timeline, we will update you accordingly. *Please note those people who were affected by flooding may be contacted by surveyors, as they may need to access private property. Contact for this will be made via mail prior to the on-site survey.
Council was required to tender for repairs to the two damaged bridges and needed to wait for an insurance claim to be processed in relation to the bridge repairs. This process is now complete, and tenders have been awarded.
Preparation for the both the Ocean end and Mill Street bridges repairs and upgrade have begun.
Works on site are scheduled to begin in June with completion now expected for September. Even though there are no visible works, design and development works are underway. The project is progressing and will be completed as soon as possible.
State Emergency Service (SES)
SA SES are working closely with Alexandrina Council and Department of Environment and Water (DEW) to identify opportunities and improved processes for future emergency preparedness. They are developing a suite of response plans, connecting key agencies, and keeping the local Middleton Storm Disaster group informed and involved. Discussions about possible future alert systems are underway but there are no final decisions in regard to this at the moment.
Council Plans
Council staff are reviewing the Incident Operations manual in response to the Middleton storm event. Staff are also developing an Emergency Recovery plan to guide future actions after a significant event which impacts communities.
Community Support
We continue to liaise with the Middleton Disaster Storm Action group members, South Australian State Emergency Service and the Department for Environment and Water.
Alexandrina Council’s website has information about Extreme Weather events. Just added is information about personal disaster preparedness with links to downloadable resources for creating your own plan. In coming weeks hard copy versions will be available at the Council offices in Goolwa. The online resources are available in different formats which include an Easy read version and languages other than English. If you would like a hard copy version mailed to you, please contact Alexandrina Council staff to arrange.
Council is seeking grant opportunities linked to resilience and wellbeing to support the Middleton community to recovery from the event in November.
For questions relating to the Middleton Storm related queries please email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or contact Council’s Customer Liaison Officers on 8555 7000 or visit us in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Anna Schmidt
Community Development Team Leader
Alexandrina Council -
Waste voucher and update
Share Waste voucher and update on Facebook Share Waste voucher and update on Twitter Share Waste voucher and update on Linkedin Email Waste voucher and update linkWe are pleased to provide the following update on the Middleton Storm event and information regarding the application process for free waste disposal vouchers:
Free Waste Disposal Vouchers
On 20 March 2023, Alexandrina Council carried the motion that eligible residents within the township of Middleton whose properties were affected by the Middleton storm event on 12 November 2022 would receive ‘Free Waste Disposal Vouchers’ for the disposal of flood damaged materials.
Alexandrina Council will provide, upon successful application, a waste disposal voucher to dispose of storm event materials at the Fleurieu Regional Waste authority – Goolwa Depot to the value of $266 (equivalent to two (2) 8m x 5m trailer loads).
To check your eligibility, please refer to the ‘Map Properties Possibly Affected’ document on the My Say website, mysay.alexandrina.sa.gov.au
How to apply
To apply for the voucher, please visit the My Say Alexandrina website, mysay.alexandrina.sa.gov.au or speak to one of our Customer Liaison Officers on 8555 7000 or in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Information regarding how to apply and access to vouchers has been sent by mail to all property owners identified as possibly affected.
Please Note:
- Residents/businesses must provide evidence that insurance will NOT cover the cost of flood damage caused by this storm event.
- This offer is only valid to 31 May 2023.
RepairsThe assets / infrastructure repairs are ongoing and will continue for some time. All requests for repairs or maintenance because of the flood event are being prioritised and processed by the appropriate departments within Council.
Hydrology Report
Council is currently in contract negotiations to engage a hydrologist service to provide the much-needed answers to Middleton Residents including:
- Determine the Middleton Stormwater Catchment Area
- Investigate the flow that occurred on 12 November 2022
- Model future rainfall, the effect, and the likelihood of it occurring again
- Determine the effect of the tree caught under the Middleton Bridge on the day of the event
- Determine what mitigation measures can be put in place by Council and other agencies to assist in future events, including indicative budget estimates for any future work to occur
It is envisaged the Hydrology Report will be completed by September, however if we become aware of any changes to this timeline, we will update you accordingly.
Council was required to tender for repairs to the two damaged bridges and needed to wait for an insurance claim to be processed in relation to the bridge repairs. This process is now complete, and tenders have been awarded.
- Bridge 1 (near the Mill) Work on the top end bridge is due to start around end of May with completion anticipated in June/July.
- Bridge 2 (Ocean end) works are anticipated to commence after the first bridge is completed.
Further update
We continue to liaise with the Middleton Storm Event community group members, South Australian State Emergency Service and the Department for Environment and Water and the Middleton Storm Disaster Action Group.
Ongoing updates and responses will be available via Council’s My Say website. We are looking to collate the information provided on My Say website, to date, into a newsletter/information flyer and will make this available to the community for residents that prefer information in hard copy or perhaps who do not have regular access to the internet. Available soon from our Community Wellbeing team.
For questions relating to vouchers or other Middleton Storm related queries please email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or contact Council’s Customer Liaison Officers on 8555 7000 or visit us in person at the Goolwa Council Office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Amanda Fitton
Coordinator Customer Experience
Alexandrina Council -
Update from the Community Division
Share Update from the Community Division on Facebook Share Update from the Community Division on Twitter Share Update from the Community Division on Linkedin Email Update from the Community Division linkDear Middleton Community,
A quick update following the Council meeting on Monday 20 March 2023.
There were three (3) Notices of Motion relating to the Middleton Storm Event considered on Monday night, a link is provided to each of the Notices of Motion in the post below. For convenience, the outcomes are summarised here. (CARRIED means the motion was supported and approved, LOST mean the motion was unsucessful and did not get approved).
Cr Scott moved that roads damaged in the Storm Event of 12 November 2022, that have sections which pose a threat to road safety, receive remedial attention as soon as possible.
This motion was CARRIED and Council’s administration have already commenced identifying these areas.
Cr Nicholson moved a Motion with several parts, which are summarised below:
- That administration immediately commission hydrologist services up to the value of $45,000 and that the resulting report be presented to Council – CARRIED.
- That administration develop a report on what it would take to produce a Disaster Response Plan (based on examples of excellence in this field) and build capacity to respond to future disasters in region – CARRIED.
- That administration send a letter to each known Alexandrina resident and business impacted by the 12 November 2022 storm event, to acknowledge the ongoing impact of the event, provide an update on council actions and priorities, give information about available disaster services, support and resources (council specific and external agencies), invite questions and feedback – LOST. (the feeling was that the Community could be kept informed of all these matters via the MySay page and through other Council mediums)
- That in order to facilitate consideration of financial relief to flood affected residents across Alexandrina – that the 2022/23 Rate Rebate Application Form be updated to allow applications from ratepayers affected by flood events (and subsequent actions related to this motion) – LOST.
- That administration provide on application ‘Free Waste Dumping Vouchers’ for flood damaged material equivalent to two (2), 8x5 trailer loads for those unable to cover the costs by insurance – CARRIED.
- That Council encourage residents across Alexandrina to establish personal household disaster plans through making links/resources available on the council website and through council communications (e.g. newsletter, social media) – CARRIED.
A complete record of the relevant Council resolutions are contained within the 20 March 2023 Council Minutes, which can be accessed here.
Council’s administration are making arrangements to action the CARRIED motions and we will provide further information regarding the ‘free waste dumping vouchers’ and links to assist with the preparation of personal household disaster plans as soon as practicable.
The hydrology report, once completed, will be made publically available via the Council Agenda when it is presented back to Council. Similarly, Council’s administration will be preparing a report on the scope of producing a Disaster Response Plan for the community. These reports will be presented to Council as soon as practicable and we will provide notice of when the reports are confirmed on a Council Agenda via this MySay page.
In the meantime, if you have any further questions regarding the Middleton Flood Event, please attention them to Council’s Manager Community Services, Linda Scholz, by email at alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au
Matt Atkinson
Acting General Manager Community
Alexandrina Council
CEO Update
Share CEO Update on Facebook Share CEO Update on Twitter Share CEO Update on Linkedin Email CEO Update linkDear Middleton Community,
The following has been done since the Middleton Flood Event Meeting;
- Met with a representative from the National Emergency Management Agency to advocate for this event to be linked to the Murray event.
- Met with Michelle and Michael Jones and others, 27/2/23 to look at the railway near their place, review culverts and walk the streets to gain a greater understanding of what they witnessed. The General Manager Community and Asset Manager were also in attendance along with Councillor Lou Nicholson.
- A budget submission will be done for 2023/24 for identified drainage work.
- The CEO has been discussing the event with the SES as lead agency, they have been in discussions with the DEW Flood Unit.
- They work closely together.
- They have been mapping the catchment area and have indicated that the volume of water that came down was greater than that estimated by Councillor Michael Scott and detailed at the public meeting.
- They are talking about this being a 1 in 300 or 1 in 500 year event (however this needs to be confirmed through a Hydrologist report).
- They are working to see if based on parameters earlier warning can be provided in the future.
- Although SES and DEW are working together, the CEO has requested through the SES lead agency to access to the team working from DEW Flood Unit and await feedback.
- A timetable for this work has been unable to be provided at this stage.
- The CEO has had a discussion with the SA Police Zone Coordinator for Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and KI and have confirmed that the Middleton Event did not escalate to their level.
- The CEO has been told that the number of register triple 0 calls lodged for the Middleton area on the 12 November 2022 was restricted to the caravan park area.
- With 5,500 people being on hold to triple 0 and only 30 operators it is assumed many calls did not get through
- It is also understood that many people were not home.
- It is also acknowledged that many calls were made to known SES volunteers but these were not recorded in the triple 0 register and therefore did not trigger additional escalations.
- The CEO has been in discussions with a company that is able to provide Hydrologist services.
- The Principal Engineer has already toured the caravan park and Middleton area soon after the event and understands the water flow.
- They are familiar with the 12 November event in not only Middleton but across the whole state.
- A quote has now been received to
- Determine the catchment area.
- Investigate the flow that occurred.
- Model future rainfall, the effect, and the likelihood of it occurring.
- Determine what mitigation measures can be put in place by Council and other agencies.
- Provide budget estimates for any future work to occur.
- They have however stated that up stream catchment area treatments are going to prove difficult being on private land.
- A budget variance has been presented to the 20 March 2023 Council meeting by Councillor Nicholson for Council’s consideration.
- Resulting works will be presented to Council for their budget consideration.
- Attended the March Township and Foreshore Association to provided updates of progress.
- Determined the ownership of the Middleton Creek.
- Worked with Council Members on questions and motions to the 20 March 2023 Council Meeting.
Council Meeting – 20 March 2023
- At the Council Meeting the following items relate to the Middleton Stormwater Event
Questions on Notice – Councillor Nicholson – (Download here)
- Answers have been provided for the following:
Questions on Notice – Councillor Nicholson – (Download here)
1. 'What clean-up has Council done in Middleton Creek?
2. What additional work does Council need to do in the Creek and what is the timeline for completion of this work?
3. Who owns the various segments of the creek line in the catchment area?
4. For all creeks in Alexandrina:
4.1 What are the roles and responsibilities of individual owners of the land?
4.2 What activity requires authorisation to complete, and what agency provides this?
4.3 What authority does Council have to enforce required action in the creek line?'
Motion on Notice – Councillor Nicholson – (Download here)
- Motion relates to
- Hydrologist Services
- Disaster Response Plan
- Sending a letter to each known Alexandrina resident and business impacted by the 12 November 2022 storm event, to acknowledge the ongoing impact of the event.
- Financial relief to flood affected residents
- Free Waste Dumping Vouchers
- Encourage and support residents across Alexandrina to establish personal household disaster plans
- Motion relates to
Motion on Notice – Councillor Scott – Middleton Rates – (Download here)
- Motion relates to
- Middleton Storm Event - Council Rates relief
- Motion relates to
Motion on Notice – Councillor Scott – Storm Event Roads – (Download here)
- Motion requests
- That roads damaged in the Storm Event of 12 November 2022, that have sections which pose a threat to road safety, receive remedial attention as soon as possible
- Motion requests
Nigel Morris
Chief Executive Officer
Follow Project
Meeting Minutes
Item 9.1 - Council Decison Report and Minutes - 17 February 2025 (153 KB) (pdf)
Item 9.2 - Decision and Report - 17 February 2025 (224 KB) (pdf)
Decisions and Council Report - 21 October 2024 - Middleton Floods Update (80.8 KB) (pdf)
Decision and Report - 16 September 2024 - Middleton Stormwater Management Plan (413 KB) (pdf)
Decision and Report - Council Meeting 19 August 2024 - Mill Terrace Stormwater (323 KB) (pdf)
Decision and Report - Council Meeting 19 August 2024 - 10 Flagstaff Hill Road Stormwater (311 KB) (pdf)
Middleton Flood Community Meeting - 13 March 2024 (130 KB) (pdf)
Key Documents
CEO letter to the Middleton Community.pdf (123 KB) (pdf)
Properties Possibly Affected by November 2022 Flood (735 KB) (pdf)
Response to questions raised by Janis Haynes on behalf of the Middleton Community.pdf (176 KB) (pdf)
Motion on Notice 20.03.23 - Cr. Nicholson - Middleton.pdf (1.25 MB) (pdf)
Question on Notice 20.03.23 - Cr. Nicholson - Middleton.pdf (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Motion on Notice 20.03.23 - Cr. Scott - Storm Event Roads.pdf (4.1 KB) (pdf)
Motion on Notice 20.03.23 - Cr. Scott - Middleton Rates.pdf (5.64 KB) (pdf)
Part A - Flood Mitigation Report (5.87 MB) (pdf)
Part B - Flood Mitigation Report (67.8 MB) (pdf)
Part C - Flood Mitigation Report (47.9 MB) (pdf)
Part D - Flood Mitigation Report (71.3 MB) (pdf)
Part E - Flood Mitigation Report (34.9 MB) (pdf)
Alexandrina Council Agenda 15 July 2024 - Middleton Storm Event Report.pdf (2.39 MB) (pdf)
Alexandrina Council Minutes 15 July 2024 - Middleton Storm Event Report.pdf (177 KB) (pdf)