Clayton Bay Dark Sky Community Consultation
The Clayton Bay Dark Sky Community Consultation and Smart Lighting Trial has now concluded.
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The Clayton Bay Dark Sky Community Consultation and Smart Lighting Trial has now concluded.
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Community Update 26 September 2024
Share Community Update 26 September 2024 on Facebook Share Community Update 26 September 2024 on Twitter Share Community Update 26 September 2024 on Linkedin Email Community Update 26 September 2024 linkDaylight Saving and Completion of Smart Lighting Trials
As we near the end of Winter and enter Summer Daylight Saving times, please be advised that the previously trialled Summer settings and timings will be activated.
Summer Schedule
Alexandrina Drive (between Pearce Road from the west to Island View Drive to the east):
- Sunset to 11:00 PM at 100%
- 11 PM to 12 AM at 70%
- 12 AM to Sunrise at 50%
The side streets of Pearce Road, Oakley Avenue, Gilbert Street, Green Way, Webers Way and Terry Way:
- Sunset to 9:30 PM at 50%
- 9:30 pm to 11 PM at 30%
- 11 PM to Sunrise at 20%
Clayton Bay Community Hall Street Lighting
The street light located adjacent the Community Hall on Grandview Drive and the street light located in front of the Hall on Alexandrina Drive will remain at 100% power from sunset to sunrise.
Completion of Trials
We have completed our Winter trials, which included “in the field” Isolux testing and can advise that the Smart Lighting trials are now complete.
As a result of community feedback and a comprehensive, evidence-based risk assessment of lighting in Clayton Bay, Council has agreed to make the current summer and winter lighting schedules a permanent arrangement. The learnings from this will assist in shaping future developments within Clayton Bay and be a standard part of our New Infrastructure Guidelines.
Council is pleased that we have achieved the goals in reaching a compromise between stringent Australian streetlighting standards and community requests for a lower light environment at Clayton Bay.
Community Update 26 March 2024
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Alexandrina Council thanks the Clayton Bay community for contributions to the My Say feedback regarding the Smart Lighting Trial thus far.
Street lights that have been activated during the Summer Dimming Trial will remain operational. Street lights that have remained switched-off during the Summer Dimming Trial will remain off during the Winter Dimming Trial or until further notice at this stage.
As the seasons change, we anticipate activating the Winter Smart Lighting calendar as daylight savings ends.
From Sunday April 7 2024 the new dimming settings will affect the following roads, as follows:
Alexandrina Drive (between Pearce Road from the west to Island View Drive to the east):
- Dusk to 8:30 pm at 100%
- 8:30 pm to 12 am at 70%
- 12 am to Dawn at 50%
The side streets of Pearce Road, Oakley Avenue, Gilbert Street, Green Way, Webers Way and Terry Way:
- Dusk to 7:30 pm at 50%
- 7:30 pm to 10 pm at 30%
- 10 pm to Dawn at 20%
Clayton Bay Community Hall Street Lighting
The street light located adjacent the Community Hall on Grandview Drive and the street light located in front of the Hall on Alexandrina Drive will remain at 100% power from dusk to dawn.
Community Update - 19 January 2024
Share Community Update - 19 January 2024 on Facebook Share Community Update - 19 January 2024 on Twitter Share Community Update - 19 January 2024 on Linkedin Email Community Update - 19 January 2024 linkWe are pleased to advise that the remaining Smart Lighting nodes were installed by SA Power Networks on Wednesday the 17th January. These were for the currently activated street lights on Green Rd, Webers and Terry Way, plus the activated Alexandrina Drive street lights from Green Rd to Island View Drive. They will operate at 100% brightness until the automation set-up (Trimming/Dimming) has been completed. On Monday evening of the 22nd January, the lights will commence dimming.
All lights that are currently OFF, will remain OFF at this point in time, including those that are currently turned OFF on Alexandrina Drive.
Community Hall street lighting
To ensure that the Community Hall property has adequate lighting during the dark hours, we will be leaving the Community Hall street lights at 100% power/brightness. They have the Smart lighting nodes fitted and can be adjusted via the Smart lighting control system if needed.
Smart Light Testing
We completed Smart Light testing during the evening of the 17th January and it was good to meet various residents who “popped out” and “had a chat”. It was great to be able explain what we were doing and for the residents to actually see the lights dimming/changing in “real time”. It was also a great opportunity for them provide further feedback to us.
As a result of the testing, we are going to lower the light power settings even further as part of this trial. The new settings will apply to all Smart lighting SIDE STREETS ONLY. Alexandrina Drive light power settings will remain unchanged from the current dimming profile at this point in time.
The side streets affected are– Pearce Rd, Oakley Ave, Gilbert St, Green Way, Webers Way and Terry Way
The new power settings will be;
• Dusk to 9:30 PM - 50% - Reduced from 70%
• 9:30 PM to 11 PM – 30%– Reduced from 50%
• 11 PM to Dawn 20%– Reduced from 30%
We will review the amended settings in 1 months’ time and will welcome more feedback from the Clayton Bay community. We welcome your feedback on settings via the survey here.
As we’ve mentioned before, we are working with the community to achieve a balance between street-lighting standards and the low-light aspirations of the community and believe this is a positive step in achieving our promise.
Community Update - 15 January
Share Community Update - 15 January on Facebook Share Community Update - 15 January on Twitter Share Community Update - 15 January on Linkedin Email Community Update - 15 January linkFurther to our Smart Lighting Trial, our technical team, in conjunction with SA Power Networks, will be out and about on Wednesday evening the 17 January 2024 to take Isolux readings of the current Smart Light settings and to test and measure the light output at other lower brightness settings. During this testing, the light brightness will vary accordingly.
Once the testing has been completed, the light power/brightness will return to the pre-testing original Smart Light settings.
The collected data will be reviewed and risk assessed for potential light brightness reduction opportunities. We will communicate our findings once the review is complete.
We also extend an invitation for our technical team to take Isolux readings at locations within your property/house that you consider to be over lit or too bright. Please email or phone us directly, so that we can organise a time to be available for you.
Community Update - 8 January 2024
Share Community Update - 8 January 2024 on Facebook Share Community Update - 8 January 2024 on Twitter Share Community Update - 8 January 2024 on Linkedin Email Community Update - 8 January 2024 linkUnfortunately, there have been higher priority works required by SA Power Networks resulting in a slight delay for the activation of the Smart lighting timings.
The Smart lighting control modules (nodes) have been installed, and we are now waiting for SA Power Networks to activate the Smart lighting control timings, which is planned for this week (8 - 12 January), pending no other impacts due to SA Power Networks work priorities.
Once activated, we look forward to your feedback on settings via the survey here.
Community Update - 15 December
Share Community Update - 15 December on Facebook Share Community Update - 15 December on Twitter Share Community Update - 15 December on Linkedin Email Community Update - 15 December linkThe Clayton Bay Smart Lighting trial is about to commence in the Alexandrina Estate area of Pearce Road, Oakley Ave, Gilbert Street and Alexandrina Drive (specifically between Pearce Road and Gilbert Street only), which will have modified light settings and timings.
Due to recent storm events, SA Power Networks have deferred the commencement of the trial until the 27 December 2023.
Once the trial is underway, we would like community feedback on the specific settings, so that we can review and if possible amend our settings and timings from our initial design.
The planned setting and light timings are as follows;
- Alexandrina Dr (between Pearce Rd and Gilbert St) – Main Rd (higher speed and vehicle use)
- On at dusk at 100% power until 9:30 pm, then drops down to 70% power until 1am, then at 50% power until off at dawn
- On at dusk at 100% power until 9:30 pm, then drops down to 70% power until 1am, then at 50% power until off at dawn
- Pearce Rd, Oakley Ave and Gilbert St – Side Streets (lower vehicle speed and use)
- On at dusk at 70% power until 9:30 pm, then drops down to 50% power until 11pm, then at 30% power until off at dawn
Throughout January 2024 we encourage residents to provide feedback on the timings and any issues with lights not performing correctly. We invite you to submit feedback on the Clayton Bay Dark Sky Community Consultation page once the trial has commenced.
Click to submit feedback or visit
While Council offices are closed during the Christmas/ New Year period (1 pm, Friday 22 December – 9 am, 2 January 2024), the My Say feedback will be monitored by the Assets Team.
For further details prior to or after Christmas closure, please contact the Assets team on (08) 8555 7000 or
For those that were unable to attend the Clayton Bay Village Conversation on 7 December, the Lighting Update presentation video is now available online here:
Council is moving towards finding a balance between stringent street-lighting standards and the low-light aspirations of the community.
- Alexandrina Dr (between Pearce Rd and Gilbert St) – Main Rd (higher speed and vehicle use)
Community Update - December
Share Community Update - December on Facebook Share Community Update - December on Twitter Share Community Update - December on Linkedin Email Community Update - December linkCouncil will be hosting the Village Conversation this coming Thursday 7 December from 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the Clayton Bay Community Hall.
This is a drop-in style session with activities to help shape the Draft Village Innovation Plans, Council’s advocacy, annual budgets and more.
There is also a schedule of short presentations, including two presentations on lighting. See below:
- 4 pm - A2040 - What we’ve done, what we have planned
- 4:30 pm - Lighting Update
- 5:00 pm - Clayton Bay Planning and Development Zones
- 5:30 pm - Public Transport Advocacy and Housing Diversity Update
- 6 pm - Lighting Update *repeat*
- 6:30 pm - A2040 *repeat*
All information is available at the link below. If you are unable to attend, presentation videos will be uploaded to the site below and the Clayton Bay Dark Sky Community Consultation site.
The Clayton Bay Community Association has kindly organised light nibbles by Artisans at Heart.
Community Update - September
Share Community Update - September on Facebook Share Community Update - September on Twitter Share Community Update - September on Linkedin Email Community Update - September linkAs committed to at our Dark Sky Information Session on Monday 5 June 2023, Council’s Assets Team have reviewed the traffic data to determine safety requirements, this has resulted in the ability to turn off some street lights off, noting that we acknowledge that in the balancing act of safety vs. required lighting, that the selection of lights to turn off and leave on, did not satisfy all. We have also trialled tilt brackets and visors to reduce light over spill into properties. We are still waiting for SA Power Networks to finish installing some Tilt Brackets and believe they’ll have this done soon. We have also performed Lux measurements at property boundaries to gather light data to further understand light spill issues and lighting comfort levels around the street lights. We will continue to use this as one of baseline measures and to assist with future Clayton Bay development lighting standards/guidelines.
Council have ordered Smart Lighting elements from SA Power Networks and have been advised of a December 2023 Installation, where we will then be able to adjust the Street lights On/Off times and light output (Brightness). Once the Smart Lighting has been installed and commissioned, we will commence a series of Light Setting Trials to determine effective timings and light outputs for specific streets and areas. During this set-up we will ask for your feedback.
An example of the Smart Lighting settings would be a Street light turns on at Dusk and at 70% of current light output (a duller light) and turn off at 10 PM in Winter. Some lights may be fitted with Motion Sensors that turn on when someone walks or drives into a street during OFF times. In this instance we envisage the light output would be a lower than normal setting such as 60%. It is important to note that street lights on Alexandrina Road may be set at a greater output than those on side roads due to the quantity of vehicles normally using this road.
We will continue to work with the community in providing a better overall lighting solution and will keep you updated.
Please save the date for the upcoming Village Conversation on Thursday 7 December 2023, where the Assets team will be present to provide an update and answer further questions. Further details to follow.
Community Update
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Thank you to everyone who attended the Roadshow Public Meeting and Dark Sky Information Session on Monday 5 June 2023.
Since the meeting, Council’s Infrastructure Team have received feedback and are working towards exploring lighting solutions in the Clayton Bay Pelican Waters development that are in alignment with community sentiment and Council’s requirements.
The first step in determining what solutions are possible was to undertake a risk assessment of the traffic arrangement in the affected streets.
Since Thursday 8 June until 19 June 2023, traffic counters were installed at various locations to assess time stamped traffic volumes and speeds. This period spanned a regular and long weekend collecting valuable data that in combination with a traffic engineering study will provide Council with information for a thorough risk assessment.
If supported by the data and assessment, Council will be able to advise which lights may be turned off by the end of this week and which lights require further treatment options (shielding, dimming etc).
Council continues to explore options regarding longer term measures such as reviewing the Design Guidelines and functionality of a Lighting Policy for future Planning and Development considerations.
If you have family members, neighbours or friends that would like to receive these updates via email, please encourage them to register here.
Community Update
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We hope this email finds you well, and we want to express our acknowledgement of the concerns raised regarding the recent street lighting activation in the Alexandrina Estate and Pelican Waters land divisions in Clayton Bay.
This communication has been sent to all residents who have made enquiries regarding the recent street lighting activation in Clayton Bay. However, we would like to distribute it further in preparation for the upcoming Information Session this coming Monday 5 June, 7:15pm (RSVP here). We are excited to also welcome Chris Tugwell (Chairman, Mid Murray Landcare SA & River Murray International Dark Sky Reserve) to join us and provide firsthand experience and information on Dark Sky Accreditation.
Please take some time to digest the information and understand the complexities of the situation so that a productive and respectful meeting can be held with the community and our external volunteer panel members.
We apologise for any unease this may have caused, however the catalyst for this recent activation of lighting has involved a series of events and multiple stakeholders over a number of years along with a raft of legislation to navigate.
We feel that it is important for all community residents to understand the timelines and reasons leading up to the activation of street lighting and that the decision followed a number of considerations, processes and advice.
In addition, Council are currently working with specialist lighting consultants and engineers to look at options to further reduce the lighting impact whilst maintaining a degree of legislated compliance.
History and timelines
The original Clayton Bay township was established at a time when modern lighting standards had not yet been developed and as such no lighting plan exists for this area.
In contrast, the newer land divisions of Alexandrina Estate (1985) and Pelican Waters (2006), were designed and built to current design guidelines adhering to the Australian/New Zealand Standard 1158 series.
Following handover of the Pelican Waters Estate from the developers to Council, the lighting that had been installed as per the design was energised.
Community concern was then raised with Council regarding the lighting and legal advice was sought to understand Council’s position, obligations and potential consequence of knowingly contradicting Australian Standards by deactivating the lights.
The legal advice advised against de-activation, however given the low level of residential development at the time, the risk was considered low. A report was then presented to the elected body at the time who resolved to keep the lighting de-energised whilst the level of residential occupancy remained “low”. Council then engaged the Asset Owners, SA Power Networks (formally ETSA) and advised them of the Council Resolution to de-activate the lights until further notice.
The Council resolution at the 3 December 2007 meeting (ACF07617) is detailed below;
- Generally support a “no street lights” policy in Clayton Bay for the time being
- Confirm that the three (3) existing street lights in the area of the township south of and on Alexandrina Drive shall remain activated.
- Confirm that new lights within the new 'Pelican Waters' development remain unactivated while no or few dwellings exist here.
- Request ETSA to switch off five (5) lights in Alexandrina Drive that were activated as part of the new 'Pelican Waters' development.
- Review street lighting in Clayton in twelve (12) months time (or earlier if called on by the Community or members of the Community) to assess the level of new building activity and the demand or requirement for street lighting.
In 2019, SA Power Networks long standing Asset Manager retired and was replaced with a new incumbent who was not made aware the 2007 Council Resolutions relating to Clayton Bay.
At the same time new residents to the Pelican Waters Estate reported “faulty” street lights to SA Power Networks requesting them to be turned on. Following a site inspection by SA Power Networks, all street lights were reported as in-active and with the new Asset Manager unaware of the existing agreement, the lights were energised.
Council then received notification from concerned residents and made contact with SA Power Networks to advise of the 2007 resolution, SA Power Networks agreed to temporarily de-activate the lights to allow Council to consult with the community, however expressed concerns and recommended that a lighting audit be undertaken.
In 2019 Council undertook consultation with the Clayton Bay Community to obtain feedback and confirm the community’s position on lighting and understand any concerns or aspirations.
To address these concerns, Council then sought the expertise of an external lighting consultant. Their road lighting audit of Clayton Bay reported that the deactivation of lighting assets left the town non-compliant with any lighting standard. Out of the 42 lighting assets installed, only 12 were operating within the entire township.
It is important to note that as road managers, Councils hold a responsibility for the provision of street lighting on roads under their care and control. Legal advice received in 2007 and again in 2019, highlights the importance of maintaining the road lighting network as it was originally designed and constructed. Neglecting this responsibility increases the risk of claims and may jeopardise insurance agreements managed via the Local Government Association Mutual Liability Scheme.
The audit report recommended a total of 180 24W Street LED's be installed throughout the township by the lighting consultant. Confirmed by the recent consultation, Council’s understanding of the community’s desire for minimal lighting was apparent and only the modern land divisions, namely Alexandrina Estate and Pelican Waters, which were designed and constructed to meet the current lighting design standards were considered further.
To ensure all options had been considered and prior to presenting the audit report to the elected body for a decision on the energising of lights, Council again sought legal advice to understand our obligation and options. Unfortunately, this advice was even more resounding than the 2007 advice stating that all road lighting where it is installed should be functioning and energised. The legal advice and road lighting audit were then presented on the 18 July 2022 to the elected body who, based on the advice, resolved to the following;
- That Council approve the procurement, installation, and activation of 58 (fifty eight) Sylvania Street LED MK3 in a 3,000 Kelvin (warm tone colour temperature) at a cost estimate of $50,000 and an ongoing tariff cost of $3,536.84 per annum with SA Power Networks who will also manage faults, maintenance and replacement.
- That Council undertakes community consultation, in accordance with Council's Public Consultation Policy, with the Clayton Bay residents and Clayton Bay Community Association Inc. to determine the level of support to create a community committee to facilitate the application process and manage a Dark Sky Community in Clayton Bay.
- That the results of the community consultation be presented to Council after the November 2022 Council elections.
In May 2023 the new streetlights in Clayton Bay were switched on by SA Power Networks.
Whilst the lighting that has been selected is the most non-invasive, softest tone available that meets Australian Standards and Dark Skies compliance, Council will continue working with lighting specialists, engineers, our insurers and the community to find solutions and options to further minimise the lighting impact. These may include additional shielding, smart lighting (remote dimming, timed deactivation etc) or possible de-activation of some of the lower risk lights.
We genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process. Our main goal is to prioritise your safety and well-being whilst considering compliance, risk and the unique characteristics and aspirations of Clayton Bay.
Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget Roadshow Event & Dark Sky Information Session and Consultation
We are pleased to invite you to two events on Monday, June 5, 2023:
Event 1: Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget Roadshow Event
Date: Monday, June 5, 2023
Time: Commencing 6pm – 7pm
Location: Clayton Bay Community HallThe first event will centre around the presentation and discussion of our Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget. It offers a unique opportunity for you to gain insights into our planned initiatives, projects, and financial allocations for the forthcoming year.
We highly value your input and feedback, as they will significantly contribute to shaping the final version of this pivotal document.
If you are unable to attend, view the presentation, key documents and submit your feedback online at
Event 2: Dark Sky Information Session and Consultation
Date: Monday, June 5, 2023
Time: Commencing 7:15pm
Location: Clayton Bay Community HallThe event will be an informative Dark Sky Information Session and Consultation.
Join us for a panel presentation on what’s involved in obtaining Dark Sky accreditation and if it were something the community would like to pursue. We will discuss the role Council and the Community could play in supporting Clayton Bay’s low-light ambitions now and into the future.
Council extends a warm welcome and attendees will be asked to show respect and kindness to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and safe.
Refreshments (coffee, tea and biscuits) will be kindly provided by the Clayton Bay Community Association.
For those unable to attend, please find all relevant documents and updates on as well as expression of interest to join the Clayton Bay Dark Sky Accreditation Committee.
This email was sent to those registered to receive email updates. To be part of this email list, please fill in your contact details here.
Who's Listening
Team Leader Civil and Transport Assets
MTPhone (08) 8555 7000 Email
Useful Documents
Clayton Bay - Pages from Council Minutes 21 October 2019 (110 KB) (pdf)
Clayton Bay - Pages from Agenda 21 October 2019 (181 KB) (pdf)
Dark Sky Policy (88 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council_Minutes_18th_December_2006 (13 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council_Agenda_5th_March_2007 (87.5 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council Agenda 18th June 2007 (19.6 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council_Minutes_3rd_December_2007 (25.2 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council Agenda 18 July 2022 (181 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council- Minutes 18 July 2022 (146 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council Minutes 16 December 2019 (76.4 KB) (pdf)
Pages from Council Agenda16 December 2019 (182 KB) (pdf)