Strategic Management Plan Review

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Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. This consultation is now closed.   

At the 17 February 2025 Council Meeting, Council received the public consultation outcomes and adopted the A2040 Community Strategic Plan – Long Term Vision 2020-2040 and the Strategic Asset Management Plan 2025-2035 as per the recommendations from the Audit and Risk Committee. 

The Long Term Financial Plan 2025-2035 and A2040 Four Year Delivery Plan 2025-2029 is to be redeveloped to ensure alignment.

View the full Decision Report and Minutes here:

Council is seeking your feedback on the four draft plans that guide what Council will do over the next four to 15 years. 

Skip to online survey

Our Strategic Management Plans guide how we deliver projects, services and sustainably, manage our assets and finances to bring life to our community’s vision for Alexandrina to be liveable, green and connected.

Draft Plan

What is the Plan?
Read the Plan

A2040 – Long Term Community Vision

(15 years)

The community’s long-term vision for Alexandrina to be ‘Liveable. Green. Connected.’ and to thrive into the future. Based on extensive consultation in 2019, this plan has been reviewed and updated. 

A2040 – Four Year Delivery Plan 

(4 Years)

5 Action Areas
The objectives and key initiatives we will focus our efforts on over the next 4 years to be liveable, green and connected.
A2040 Township Community Visions and Ideas 
The community led visions and ideas for each of the eight key township areas informed by Village Conversations.
Plan on a Page
The Four Year Delivery Plan is supported by a quick reference visual ‘Plan on a Page’ for easy reading.
Strategic Asset Management Plan
(10 years)
A “big-picture” plan to ensure we manage our assets as a whole to suitable standard to meet community need with the funding available. Detailed plans for each asset group (eg. buildings) will be prepared after the Strategic Asset Management Plan.
Long Term Financial Plan
(10 years)
A “big picture” financial plan to ensure we sustainably deliver our obligations now and in the future. It guides delivering within our means, operating efficiently and seeking partnerships to increase what we can deliver. 

A dynamic document responsive to Council Member decisions and changes in the economic environment. It is reviewed every year alongside our Annual Business Plan and Budget and changes to reflect the budget decisions we make every year. 

How to view the plans and learn more:

  Download and read the plans

 Attend a drop-in session

 Read a hard copy of the Strategy at the Goolwa and Strathalbyn Council Office

How to submit feedback:

  • Drop-in sessions - Council staff will be available to answer questions and take surveys on:

  Wednesday 13 November, 5pm - 7pm, Goolwa Council Chambers, 11 Cadell Street , Goolwa

  Tuesday 19 November, 5pm - 7pm, Mount Compass War Memorial Hall Community Centre, 1 Peters Tce, Mount Compass

 Thursday 21 November, 5 pm - 7pm, Strathalbyn Community Centre (Council Office and Library), 1 Colman Terrace, Strathalbyn 

  • Online survey - Complete the online survey 
  • Post or email - Please direct written submission to or by post to Att: Chief Executive Officer, Alexandrina Council, PO Box 21, Goolwa SA 5214
  • Hard copy survey - Hard copy surveys will be available to lodge at the Goolwa Council Office (11 Cadell Street) or Strathalbyn (1 Colman Terrace) during business hours.

Image: The Wave’ mural at Middleton, by Barbary O’Brien 

Council is seeking your feedback on the four draft plans that guide what Council will do over the next four to 15 years. 

Skip to online survey

Our Strategic Management Plans guide how we deliver projects, services and sustainably, manage our assets and finances to bring life to our community’s vision for Alexandrina to be liveable, green and connected.

Draft Plan

What is the Plan?
Read the Plan

A2040 – Long Term Community Vision

(15 years)

The community’s long-term vision for Alexandrina to be ‘Liveable. Green. Connected.’ and to thrive into the future. Based on extensive consultation in 2019, this plan has been reviewed and updated. 

A2040 – Four Year Delivery Plan 

(4 Years)

5 Action Areas
The objectives and key initiatives we will focus our efforts on over the next 4 years to be liveable, green and connected.
A2040 Township Community Visions and Ideas 
The community led visions and ideas for each of the eight key township areas informed by Village Conversations.
Plan on a Page
The Four Year Delivery Plan is supported by a quick reference visual ‘Plan on a Page’ for easy reading.
Strategic Asset Management Plan
(10 years)
A “big-picture” plan to ensure we manage our assets as a whole to suitable standard to meet community need with the funding available. Detailed plans for each asset group (eg. buildings) will be prepared after the Strategic Asset Management Plan.
Long Term Financial Plan
(10 years)
A “big picture” financial plan to ensure we sustainably deliver our obligations now and in the future. It guides delivering within our means, operating efficiently and seeking partnerships to increase what we can deliver. 

A dynamic document responsive to Council Member decisions and changes in the economic environment. It is reviewed every year alongside our Annual Business Plan and Budget and changes to reflect the budget decisions we make every year. 

How to view the plans and learn more:

  Download and read the plans

 Attend a drop-in session

 Read a hard copy of the Strategy at the Goolwa and Strathalbyn Council Office

How to submit feedback:

  • Drop-in sessions - Council staff will be available to answer questions and take surveys on:

  Wednesday 13 November, 5pm - 7pm, Goolwa Council Chambers, 11 Cadell Street , Goolwa

  Tuesday 19 November, 5pm - 7pm, Mount Compass War Memorial Hall Community Centre, 1 Peters Tce, Mount Compass

 Thursday 21 November, 5 pm - 7pm, Strathalbyn Community Centre (Council Office and Library), 1 Colman Terrace, Strathalbyn 

  • Online survey - Complete the online survey 
  • Post or email - Please direct written submission to or by post to Att: Chief Executive Officer, Alexandrina Council, PO Box 21, Goolwa SA 5214
  • Hard copy survey - Hard copy surveys will be available to lodge at the Goolwa Council Office (11 Cadell Street) or Strathalbyn (1 Colman Terrace) during business hours.

Image: The Wave’ mural at Middleton, by Barbary O’Brien 

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is seeking your feedback on these draft plans:

    • A2040 Delivery Plan (Action Areas, objectives and key initiatives for the next 4 years)
    • A20240 Township Community Visions and Ideas
    • A2040 Long Term Community Vision 
    • Strategic Asset Management Plan
    • Long Term Financial Plan

    You don’t need to provide feedback on all the plans.

    You can choose which plans you want to provide feedback on.

    As you make your way through the survey it will ask you if you want to provide feedback on a plan. If you click ”no” you will move on to the next section. You can keep clicking “no” until you reach the end of the survey.

    There is the option to upload a file/ document if you have further feedback.

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. This consultation is now closed.   

    At the 17 February 2025 Council Meeting, Council received the public consultation outcomes and adopted the A2040 Community Strategic Plan – Long Term Vision 2020-2040 and the Strategic Asset Management Plan 2025-2035 as per the recommendations from the Audit and Risk Committee. 

    The Long Term Financial Plan 2025-2035 and A2040 Four Year Delivery Plan 2025-2029 is to be redeveloped to ensure alignment.

    View the full Decision Report and Minutes here:

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