Draft South Coast Growth Strategy
Alexandrina Council wants to hear from the community about where future growth should occur on the South Coast, including Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Middleton and Port Elliot.
With a housing affordability and availability crisis affecting communities across Australia, Council has been asked by Federal and State Governments to identify locations suitable for housing growth over the next 30 years. As a result of community feedback, Council has considered different locations to accommodate this growth.
There are a number of factors that need to be considered when identifying possible areas for growth and one key factor is feedback from the community.
This draft strategy encompasses feedback received from the community in late 2023 when Council held Village Conversations at Goolwa, Port Elliot and Middleton. Community feedback will also be considered for any amendments to this draft strategy.
This draft South Coast Growth Strategy aims to provide clear guidelines about where the community would prefer development, and how much, and what infrastructure is needed to accommodate growth.
The draft Strategy will also guide strategic decisions such as how Council responds to Code Amendments proposed for our region to rezone land for housing and other development.
How to view the plans and learn more:
Learn why Council has prepared the strategy, locations that have been identified for consideration for housing development, and some of the opportunities and constraints of those locations.
Watch the video presentation - Presented by Group Manager Regional Development and Manager Strategic Planning, this presentation discusses each location
Attend a drop-in session
Read a hard copy of the Strategy at the Goolwa and Strathalbyn Council Office
How to submit feedback:
- In-person information sessions- Council Staff will be available to answer questions or to take handwritten submissions or surveys (copies will be available to fill in) at the following times and places:
Friday 6 September 2024,10am until 1pm, Middleton IGA
Thursday 19 September, 9am until 5pm, Goolwa Shopping Centre Mall (right outside of the entrance to Woolworths)
Saturday 28 September 2024,10am until 1pm, Middleton IGA
- Online survey - Fill out this survey to share your views
- Hard copy survey - Hard copy surveys will be available to lodge at the Goolwa Council Office (11 Cadell Street) or Strathalbyn (1 Colman Terrace) during business hours.
Submissions regarding the draft South Coast Growth Strategy will be accepted by Council until 5pm Wednesday 2 October 2024.
While we encourage you to share this page with your networks, please note that social media comments are not considered formal feedback.
For further information, please call Council’s Manager of Strategic Development on 8555 7000 or email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au