Feedback Survey - Draft Environmental Action Plan


Which statement best describes you?

* required

Maximum 255 characters


* Please note: Personal information will be excluded from any publicly available documents, agenda attachment etc. including Name and email.

Your age range: Choose one of the options

* required
Select option


Years lived in Alexandrina Council area:


How familiar are you with Council’s current Environmental Action Plan 2014-2018


On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how important do you think biodiversity conservation, protection of native plants and animals, and ecosystem health is in Alexandrina Council? 

What are your top 3 environmental concerns for our local area?


The draft Environmental Action Plan is Council’s key strategic document to expresses Council’s commitment and articulates that we will be worthy stewards of the land and waters of our Council area. Do you support Alexandrina Council leading the way and supporting the community?


What are the best ways Council can connect with you about biodiversity conservation, protection of native plants and animals, and ecosystem health in Alexandrina Council?