Draft Milang Master Plan
Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback for the Draft Milang Master Plan.
At the 18 November 2024 Council Meeting, Council received feedback for the Milang Master Plan; endorsed the Milang Master Plan as the basis for prioritising future projects for the Milang township; and noted that future projects will require funding, tailored investigation, and engagement.
The report to council stated that the feedback from the formal engagement period highlighted a relatively high polarisation of community views regarding the initial projects and future ideas proposed. There were also several initiatives that received general support from the community.
Read the Council Report and Decision.
The Middleton, Milang and Port Elliot Master Plans were prepared based on a series of location based co-design workshops and My Say input from the community. The Master Plans were commenced following community outcomes from the 2021 Village Conversations.
The aim of the Master Plans (the Plans) was to develop implementable plans with clearly defined and prioritised actions to ensure the desired future character can be achieved. The Plans were developed with a number of Objectives as follows:
- Identifying any land needed to accommodate future needs of the growing population from a residential, recreation, open space, commercial and industrial perspective.
- In identifying the above needs explore the social needs of a growing community and the associated services required.
- Explore and identify any infrastructure needs particularly focussed on heavy vehicle routes and local traffic management within and around the town and any potential essential services upgrades.
- The protection and enhancement of the natural environment.
- Analyse the public realm to ensure that an agreed theme is identified and carried through any future development.
- Ensure that the plan continues to build on established facilities and tourism elements.
- Ensure that the plan acknowledges and incorporates actions and outcomes identified in other Council documents.
Each of the three Plans were collaboratively developed with the community by a highly skilled multi-disciplinary team of consultants through a series of steps including:
- a working group site visit where key stakeholders from the community were met
- preparation of background material including identification of the strategic framework applicable to each
- full day co-design workshop involving stakeholders, community members and council staff comprising a workshop
- preliminary draft plans prepared
- MySay feedback on preliminary draft plans
- updated plans prepared
- Internal staff and executive team feedback provided
- Final draft plans prepared for formal consultation
- Council Information presentation overview of Plans and key recommendations
Share your feedback
Alexandrina Council values and recognises the role of the community in shaping our future and welcomes your feedback on the Master Plans. Please share this page with your friends, family and neighbours that live, work or visit Milang.
Please complete the Feedback Survey below and provide your feedback. We have designed these questions to understand the priorities of the Milang Community.
Other ways to provide your feedback include:
- By Mail - please direct written submission to alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au or
by post to Att: CEO, Alexandrina Council, PO Box 21, Goolwa SA 5214, or - In Person - where you can complete a hard copy survey at the Strathalbyn or Goolwa offices.
Submissions regarding the proposal will be accepted by Council until 5 pm, Friday 15 December 2023.
View the Draft Master Plans at Goolwa Library
Hard copies and a visual display of the Draft Master Plan will be available for viewing during office hours at the Goolwa Library (11 Cadell Street) throughout the duration of the consultation.