First Name
Maximum 255 characters
Last name
Postal address
Residential address
Alexandrina property address (for non-resident ratepayers)
Contact number 1
Contact number 2
Email address
Alexandrina Council has established the Ratalang Bashams Beach and Horseshoe Bay Advisory Committee (the Committee) in accordance with section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 order to provide advice to Council:
- on matters relating to preserving the heritage and biodiversity character of Ratalang Basham Beach Conservation Reserve and Horseshoe Bay;
- on the maintenance and management of Ratalang Basham Beach Conservation Reserve and Horseshoe Bay;
- on the development of Ratalang Basham Beach Conservation Reserve and Horseshoe Bay; and
- in accordance with the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Briefly outline below why you are interested in becoming a Chairperson for the Committee, and what skills and experience you can bring to the Committee.
Do you have any the following experience or skills (not essential but desirable):
Do you live, or are you a ratepayer in the Alexandrina Council area?
The Terms of Reference describes the functions, roles and responsibilities of Committee Members (and work plan if relevant). Have you read and understood the Terms of Reference and role description (Attachment 2); and if required, would you be prepared to work on key priorities outlined in a work plan outside Committee meetings and respond to requests within reasonable timeframes?
Committee meetings are held on the second Thursday every 3 months, commencing at 10:00 am at the Alexandrina Council office, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
*Additional meetings or amendments to meeting dates and times may be required from time to time
Please indicate if you will generally be available for this meeting schedule: