First Name
Maximum 255 characters
Last name
Postal address
Residential address
Alexandrina property address (for non-resident ratepayers)
Contact number 1
Contact number 2
Email address
Alexandrina Council has established the Climate Emergency and Environment Committee (the Committee) in accordance with section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 to:
- provide leadership on and enable and actively support the achievement of Council’s key priorities in relation to the climate change emergency, as declared by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2019;
- provide environmental stewardship, including improving the resilience of ecosystems and the conservation and enhancement of Biodiversity, Waters and the Community and other objectives of Council’s Environmental Action Plan; and
- in accordance with the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
We are seeking community members with expertise/experience in either of the broad categories of ‘climate emergency’ and / or ‘environment’.
Please indicate whether your expertise/experience falls under either one or both of these broad categories:
Please briefly outline below why you are interested in becoming a member of the Committee:
It is a pre-requisite that community representatives appointed to the Committee live or are ratepayers in the Alexandrina Council area.
Do you live, or are you a rate payer in the Alexandrina Council Area? If so, which area of residence / ratepayer?
Item 3 of the Terms of Reference describes the functions, roles and responsibilities of the Committee members and the work plan. Have you read and understood the Terms of Reference and role description (Attachment 2); and would you be prepared to work on key priorities outlined in the work plan outside Committee meetings and respond to requests within reasonable timeframes?
Please indicate below your skills, knowledge, experience, and capabilities (‘expertise’) that you could bring to the Committee (refer to the role description).
Note that you do not need to have expertise in all areas as the Committee will be selected based on the totality of membership encompassing expertise across the broad categories of climate emergency and environment. But there is an expectation that you bring to the Committee expertise in at least one area.
Please select your strongest area of expertise (skills, knowledge, experience, and capability):
For each area of expertise selected above, please outline below the extent of your relevant skills, knowledge, and experience with a focus on how these will add value to deliberations of the Committee.
For example, if you ticked experience in climate change mitigation and adaptation, please provide your experience in this area (add a separate sheet if required):
Other qualities sought include (please indicate, as applicable to you):
Committee meetings will be held on the first Monday of every second month, 5.30 pm - 8 pm in the Large Meeting Room of the Alexandrina Council Community Chambers "Wal Yunti Warrin", 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa.
Please indicate if you will generally be available for this meeting schedule:
Curriculum Vitae
Please ensure you attach a brief curriculum vitae which supplements the information provided above.
Please nominate two referees who can attest to your experience and expertise. Include Full name, title/position, organisation, phone number and email for each.