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Chairperson Application - Climate Emergency and Environment Committee

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It is a pre-requisite that community representatives appointed to the Committee live or are ratepayers in the Alexandrina Council area

Do you live, or are you a rate payer in the Alexandrina Council Area? If so, which area of residence / ratepayer?

* required

The position of an Independent Chairperson is vital in the functioning of a Section 41 Committee. One important skill of the Chairperson is to hold board governance experience or skills considered favourably for the role in order ensure that the Committee meet and attend to business in accordance with their respective Terms of Reference, Alexandrina’s Code of Practice – Meeting Procedures and the Behavioural Management Policy.

Refer to Attachment 2 for the Role description – Chairperson. Do you have the following required skills:

* required

Please indicate below your skills, knowledge, experience, and capabilities in one or more of the following key areas that you could bring to the role (refer to Item 4 of the Terms of Reference). 

It is strongly desired that the chairperson also has knowledge, skills, experience or expertise in the broad categories of climate emergency and / or environment. Please select your strongest area of expertise (skills, knowledge, experience, and capability):

* required

Item 3 of the Terms of Reference describes the functions, roles and responsibilities of the Committee members and the work plan. Have you read and understood the Terms of Reference and role description (Attachment 2); and would you be prepared to work on key priorities outlined in the work plan outside Committee meetings and respond to requests within reasonable timeframes?

* required

Committee meetings will be held on the first Monday of every second month, 5.30-8pm in the Large Meeting Room, 11 Cadell Street, Goolwa. It is anticipated that the first Committee meeting will be held in June 2025.

Please indicate if you will generally be available for this meeting schedule:

* required